The GLS Legal Operations Centre

The ultimate in-house legal department resource stack

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Legal Ops: Legal Dept Organisational Design – what is right for you?

The in-house function performs most effectively when it is deployed from an optimised organisational design structure.

Date: 23 Jan 25 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

The Big Debate: Remote working – is it really here to stay?

They say you should never talk about religion or politics at the dinner table. They should add “remote working” to this list as well as it incites a wide spectrum of opinions.

Date: 27 Feb 25 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Making your case for transformation

Despite the overwhelming case for constant transformation of the legal department – it is not always easy to get the Board to provide meaningful support.

Date: 27 Mar 25 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Legal Tech Implementation Challenges

Legal tech offers so much potential but enjoys a checkered reputation when it comes to implementation into the in-house environment. In this webinar we will offer a new definition of legal tech that makes it far more accessible, safer and easier to implement.

Date: 24 Apr 25 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Past Webinars

Legal Ops: Establishing a Managed Services Program

Managed legal services is a powerful tool to improve in-house legal team focus whilst reducing costs. The case for managed legal services is powerful which makes it a perennial inclusion in our webinar line up for 2024.

Date: 26 Sep 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Legal Tech: Why is it so hard to set up a CLMS

This event will tackle one of the biggest moments that an in-house legal team will experience on its way to optimised performance – the CLMS implementation.

Date: 29 Aug 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Legal Dept Challenge: Managing Your Template Library

The “contract” is the poster child of legal dept activity – it secures what the business needs to operate and allows us to capture revenue. Yet, the “state” of the legal department’s template library, upon which contracts are written, is a Top 5 legal dept point of frustration.

Date: 25 Jul 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

An AI Update

We are all increasingly aware of the potential for A.I. to impact our lives. But how is it playing out for the in-house community? In this webinar we try and bring it all together for you.

Date: 27 Jun 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Legal Ops: A focus on KPIs

The language of business has always been numbers and in-house legal teams must speak it fluently.

Date: 30 May 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

In-House Careers: Future skills - what people want

The in-house industry is in a state of rapid change – responding to environmental dynamics including technologies, macro-economic conditions and cultural dynamics. The “skills of old” will simply no longer work.

Date: 25 Apr 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Standing up a legal operations function

The case for a legal operations agenda for most in-house teams is overwhelming – yet far too few teams have managed to successfully stand up their legal ops function.

Date: 04 Apr 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Practical In-House Knowledge Strategies

Knowledge is the most powerful productivity leverage tool available – and in most cases it is freely available to in-house legal teams.

Date: 01 Feb 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Transforming Your Legal Team in 60 min

Constant transformation is now required by all in-house legal teams in order to keep up with increasing workflows and dynamic regulatory and corporate conditions. In-house leaders must formulate and adopt a continual transformation agenda if they are to avoid falling behind peers.

Date: 11 Jan 24 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

The Key Issues Facing the Global In-House Legal Community in 2024

GLS discusses the key trends and challenges that in-house teams will face in 2024 which include the perennial issues of operating in an uncertain global climate, increasing workflows, and enhanced cost management.

Date: 02 Jan 24 | Time: 4:09pm (SGT)

In-House Counsel – Managing Your Well Being

Very few legal departments, whether in-house and/or private practice have pro-actively addressed the mental well-being of their lawyers. So, we have some gathered together some tips on how you can look after yourself.

Date: 22 Nov 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

In-House Recruitment – What is the Market Looking For?

Discover what the in-house recruitment market values the most from the people who place in-house lawyers for a living.

Date: 07 Sep 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

The Contracting Playbook

A contracting playbook supports a standardized and efficient process for creating and negotiating contracts. Which results in reduced risk of errors and disputes, whilst increasing consistency and productivity.

Date: 31 Aug 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Best Practice Legal Template Management

Your legal templates are a valuable, strategic corporate asset – well they should be! However, many in-house legal teams report that the condition of their legal template library lies somewhere between “non-existent” and “hopelessly out of date.”

Date: 20 Jul 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Architecting an effective Managed Legal Services Program

Most managed legal services arrangements tend to underwhelm. Find out what it takes to make a managed service arrangement to really work for your in-house legal team

Date: 15 Jun 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Driving Internal Client Alignment

Achieving strong alignment with your internal client better positions the in-house legal team to mitigate legal risks, reduce costs, and enable faster and more effective decision-making. In short – it is very good for business. When it is not achieved – friction and underwhelming performance.

Date: 18 May 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations

The author, Matthew Glynn, will introduce the Guide in this live event and talk about the kinds of challenges being faced by the in-house community and what an effective response looks like. Join us for this online event.

Date: 30 Mar 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Masterclass 6 - Legal Tech

Understanding the potential offered by legal technology to your team and how to embrace it safely. A legal tech engagement framework. Potent low tech. Successful implementation

Date: 01 Feb 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Masterclass 5 - The Future Ready Lawyer

Explore the essential skill sets required by in-house legal teams in the new era of legal practice and what New Law legal teams look like. We also discuss critical training strategies to help in-house teams stay ahead of the game and cover the drivers for retaining your legal talent.

Date: 01 Jan 23 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

Masterclass 4 Legal Team Performance:  Data Analytics & Tracking Tangible Outcomes

Understanding the performance metrics available to monitor the tangible contribution your legal team makes to corporate goal realisation.

Date: 01 Dec 22 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 3 - Leveraging Legal Department Resources (A Case Study)

Leveraging Legal Resources (Case Study) – Detailed Outline

Date: 01 Nov 22 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 2: Foundational Legal Department Policies & Prioritization Theory

Foundational Policy Legal Department Policies & Prioritization Theory

Date: 01 Oct 22 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 1: In-House Legal Team Challenges and a Framework for Legal Ops decision making

In-House Legal Team Challenges and a Framework for Legal Ops Decision Making

Date: 01 Sep 22 | Time: 2:00pm (SGT)


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