

Internal Client Management

In-House Legal Tip: Try calling your client

2 min • 20 Nov 23


Too many in-house lawyers especially those below the age of 50, prefer to email or text their internal clients as opposed to speaking directly. 

There is a time and a place for written communications – indeed there are times when it is actually preferable. However, overreliance on digital messaging can limit your ability to grow your client relationships.

Here are 10 great reasons as to why you should consider calling instead of messaging:

  • Prioritization Tool: your email will be one of around 50 a day. Your call will be one of 3.

  • Immediate Feedback: which is good for clarifications, decision making and alignment.

  • Building Rapport: talking directly helps build meaningful relationships.

  • Enhanced Understanding: verbal comms allow you to read the nuances (intonation, emotions, etc.).

  • Less Time: calls take less time than composing well-structured and typo free emails. 

  • Problem Resolution: talking is the best way to tackle complex issues. 

  • Outcome Potency: it’s easier to guide a client to your desired position by speaking to them.

  • Egg Shells: emails can be easily misunderstood. Speaking directly allows you to be more clearly understood. 

  • Importance: when someone calls, the issue/relationship is generally considered important – the issue/relationship.

  • Trust Building: regular chats help build trust – for all the reasons stated above.

Obviously, following up with a quick email to confirm the points of discussion is ideal and helps perfect understanding, and establish sound record keeping, etc.

So, think twice as to whether to use a call or an email. 

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