About The GLS Group


The GLS Group offers safe, practical and effective solutions to help optimise the performance of in-house legal teams globally who are typically operating in resource-constrained conditions.

The Group develops and perfects tools, resources and legal operations solutions that enable in-house legal teams to simultaneously reduce their legal spend whilst boosting their performance. Globally, we operate distinct but highly synergistic business divisions as follows:


GLS Global


The world's largest selection of legal dept. tools & resources to boost in-house legal team performance.


Globally accessible platform for businesses to access strategically agile legal team resourcing.


Exclusive tools and resources crafted for Startups who need to start doing business efficiently.


Strategic advisory platform from both a licensed and alternative legal service advisory.


Legal Tech Funding & Incubation in disruptive legal technologies.


Design, delivery and implementation of managed service solutions for routine legal support scenarios.


Design & Implement Legal Team Transformation Programs to enhance legal team performance.

Knowledge Centre

Historically, no formal legal operations community has existed across Asia Pacific and Middle East and African regions (APMEA) – so GLS Group has created one – the GLS Legal Operations Community.

The mission is to enable a vibrant and dynamic legal operations forum that allows APMEA businesses to uncover the benefits of a legal-operations-led approach to legal dept support.

Included features:

  • Opinions with Knowledge Share, Technology Demonstrations, Legal Ops Tips & Latest News
  • Webinars - all the latest info and training curated for in-house community professionals to stay ahead of the pack
  • Transformation Boot Camps - designed to transform your in-house team on a weekly cadence whenever you choose to start
  • GLS's Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations - our leading downloadable and free Guide to in-house transformation
  • 10,000 Voices opinion surveys - have your say in the community
  • Transformation Tube Map - a handy resource to get you started on your Legal Transformation journey
  • GLS Connect Zone - choose your own GLS Knowledge Centre stream
  • Legal Ops Terminology - click to double check on legal terms and jargon
Knowledge Centre
Corporate Social Investment

Corporate Social Investment

GLS Group also believes that the legal industry can do far more for the communities in which it operates, and donates 10% of global profits to causes that support children in need.

By remaining accessible to most businesses globally, our goal is to return a portion of every project back into the local community. Here the focus is on “direct” intervention causes where we know we can make a difference and where our people can serve directly as part of the community that needs a helping hand.

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Legal Resource Stack

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Knowledge Centre

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GLS Group

News/Press Release

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Legal Tech Demo

Discovery Call