GLS Knowledge Centre

Enabling a dynamic and vibrant global legal operations community

Knowledge Solutions

Legal Ops Essentials: 10 Indicators of a Great In-House Legal Training Program

The Importance of Great In-House Legal TrainingIn-house legal training is crucial for maintaining…

2 min • 12 Jun 24


In-House Legal Tip: Get Your Legal Department Operating Authority

What Is A Legal Department Operating Authority?The Legal Department Operating Authority…

1 min • 05 Jun 24


10 Ways GLS Overflow™ Can Help Your In-House Team With Today’s Problems

IntroductionThe in-house legal team that is too busy to spend time on strategies to become less…

2 min • 20 May 24


Legal Ops Tools: The Legal Department Service Charter

What is a Legal Department Service Charter?Does your legal team butt heads with other internal…

3 mins • 15 May 24

Internal Client Management

Essential Legal Training for Your Internal Clients

Why is Legal Training Essential for Your Internal Clients?It is an incontrovertible truth that…

4 min • 13 May 24


Managed Legal Services versus Legal Secondments

Managed Legal Services and the Changing LandscapeHistorically, in-house legal departments have…

3 min • 02 May 24

Contracting Function

Legal Ops Tools: 20 Reasons Why a Contract Playbook Is Essential

What is a Contract Playbook The Contract Playbook, also referred to as a Contracting Playbook or…

4 min • 25 Apr 24

Legal Technology

CLMS Nightmares: Why CLMS Fails & What You Can Do About It

1. Introduction“CLMS” stands for Contract Lifecycle Management System. It supports the…

5min • 20 Feb 24

Legal Technology

CLMS Implementation Challenges – The Rule, not the Exception

Contracts serve as the bedrock of business transactions. In recent years, organizations—both…

3min • 15 Feb 24


In-House Careers: Find Your Mentor

To excel in-house you need a mentor. Do you have one?Unlocking your full potential as an in-house…

2 minutes • 11 Dec 23


Legal Ops Tools: Template Standardisation & Efficiency

Legal Operations Tools: Standardisation & Legal TemplatesHere is our recommended list of…

3 mins • 07 Dec 23


In-House Careers: Are you replaceable as an in-house lawyer?

In-house lawyers are operating in a period of intensive change – technology, working practices,…

2 minutes • 07 Dec 23


In-House Legal Tip: Take Time Off

Burnout doesn't make you a better lawyer. It just makes you broken.As we approach what is…

2 minutes • 04 Dec 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Legal Operations Community: 2023 - Year in Review

GLS Legal Operations: A Remarkable 2023 Year in ReviewAs we reflect on the extraordinary strides…

• 04 Dec 23


UAE National Day 2023 Discount

To help celebrate UAE National Day 2023 – you can use the below promo code on the GLS Legal Ops…

1 min • 30 Nov 23

Knowledge Solutions

GLS VIP Client Training 2024 Agenda Announced

GLS VIP Client, In-House Training Program.We are delighted to publish the curriculum for the GLS…

2 min • 29 Nov 23


In-House Careers: Review Your Performance

In-House Legal Tip: Getting better means actively looking for ways to improve. Taking time to do…

2 minutes • 27 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Problem Solve Always

A valuable North Star against which you can reliably navigate your in-house career is being a…

2 minutes • 23 Nov 23

In-House Careers

In-House Careers: Know Your Worth

Part of driving in-house value recognition is being cognizant of your own value and making sure…

2 min • 23 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Try calling your client

Too many in-house lawyers especially those below the age of 50, prefer to email or text their…

2 min • 20 Nov 23


Harvard: Mastering the in-house legal services continuum.

In 2010 I was sent by my then-current law firm to a week-long Harvard Business School Executive…

2 min • 15 Nov 23

Artificial Intelligence Tools for In-House Lawyers

Introduction:Many in-house legal teams are curious about incorporating AI tools into their…

4 min • 14 Nov 23

In-House Careers

In-House Legal Tip: Be an expert in your Company … and the law.

Here is a simple proposition that I think we can all understand:If you are preparing for a trip…

3 min • 13 Nov 23


GLS Legal Opinion: How many hours should the in-house community be working?

So, how many hours should an in-house counsel be working?Do you want the pre-amble leading up to…

3 min • 09 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Plan your in-house legal career

Ask yourself this – how much time did you spend planning your last holiday? Was it an hour or…

3 min • 06 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Knowledge hack your way to in-house excellence

In the course of our in-house roles – we are exposed to a huge variety of “new learning”…

1 min • 01 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Legal service request forms are essential

Your diet must include salt, and every legal team must use legal service request forms…

1 min • 22 Oct 23


Legal Dept. Key Performance Indicators - Why & What?

In this Blog, we'll provide a basic introduction to legal dept KPIs, share some thoughts on…

4 min • 18 Oct 23


In-House Legal Tip: Embrace Legal KPIs

The idea of subjecting yourself to ongoing performance assessments might seem a little daunting.…

1 min • 17 Oct 23


In-House Legal Tip: More Means Less

Achieving more with less presents a significant challenge to the in-house community. So, how can…

1 min • 09 Oct 23


Artificial Intelligence | 10 Concerns & 10 Responses

INTRODUCTIONChristopher Niesche's September 2021 survey of in-house lawyers…

15min • 07 Oct 23


In-House Legal Tip: 12 Legal Dept. Knowledge Hacks

Explore these 12 crucial knowledge hacks to supercharge your legal department's efficiency…

2 min • 02 Oct 23


In-House Legal Tip: Low Tech First - Always!

The legal industry is undergoing a major transformation with the rise of Legal Tech. This…

1 min • 25 Sep 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News - GLS launches Indemnity Checklist

In a bold move to bolster their in-house legal resources, GLS has launched an "Indemnity…

• 18 Sep 23

Internal Client Management

GLS Masterclass: Driving Internal Client Alignment

About This SeminarThis seminar will explore the following themes:Optimising your contracting…

1 min • 15 Sep 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News - GLS launches Warranty Checklist

In a major stride to elevate their in-house legal resources, GLS Group has launched the…

1 min • 11 Sep 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Masterclass: What is the Market Looking For?

About This SeminarThis seminar will explore the following themes:Recent in-house recruitment…

1 min • 07 Sep 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Masterclass: The Contracting Playbook

A contracting playbook supports a standardized and efficient process for creating and…

1 min • 31 Aug 23


Legal Ops Essentials: What does good legal team leadership look like

Leadership has always been a complicated field and as such it really needs to be hit hard with…

2 min • 30 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: Lead or Languish

The keys to effective legal team leadership are undergoing rapid change in an industry that is…

2 min • 28 Aug 23


Legal Ops Essentials: 10 powerful tools to efficiently upskill junior legal team members

Let’s get straight into it. Here are 10 powerful tools available to in-house legal teams…

2 min • 21 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: Upskill Junior Team Members

A common feature of high-performing in-house legal teams is the presence of exceptionally…

1 min • 21 Aug 23


Legal Ops Essentials: Commit to Constant Contracting Improvement

CONSTANT IMPROVEMENTPareto’s Principle of 80:20 applies to contracting as it does to just about…

1 min • 16 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: Balanced Legal Risk

Best practice contracting recognises that a “balanced” approach to risk allocation drives…

1 min • 14 Aug 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News - Singapore’s National Day offer

GLS Group has called Singapore its global headquarters since 2013 and credits the support of…

• 07 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: The Clause Bank - unleash its power

High-performance in-house legal departments utilize “Clause Banks” to drive contracting…

1 min • 27 Jul 23


In-House Legal Tip: Reduce White Noise

Having audited the working days of hundreds of in-house legal teams, GLS is of the view that most…

• 27 Jul 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News: intelligence feeds are now available through connect zone

GLS announces a bold and new know-how initiative for in-house legal professionals.To address the…

2 min • 20 Jul 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Masterclass: Best Practice Legal Template Management

Your legal templates are a valuable, strategic corporate asset – well they should be! However,…

1 min • 20 Jul 23

In-House Careers

GLS News - Q3 and Q4 2023 Webinar Line-Up Announced

GLS has unveiled its highly anticipated 2023 Q3 and Q4 webinar line up.GLS wanted this webinar…

• 17 Jul 23



Further to our CYBERCRIME SAFETY ADVICE article the UK's Solicitors Regulation Authority…

1 min • 13 Jul 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News - Upcoming GLS Masterclass

Upcoming Event!GLS’s next Master lass "Best Practice Legal Template Management" will…

1 min • 13 Jul 23


In-House Legal Tip: Get Outcomes, not Headcount

Given the dynamic needs of the modern in-house legal team, (e.g. those dealing with new laws,…

1 min • 12 Jul 23

Legal Technology


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SAFETY NOTICE:GLS has recently become aware of the existence of a potentially…

• 05 Jul 23


In-House Legal Tip: Only Implement a CLMS when Ready!

Document and optimize your contract lifecycle management procedures first and then find a CLMS…

1 min • 03 Jul 23


Legal Ops Essentials: Matter Lifecycle Management 101 Guide

The process by which a support request (or matter) is initiated, managed and resolved is…

2 min • 30 Jun 23


11 Structural Reasons why MLMS projects fail

Matter Lifecycle Management Systems (“MLMS”) is a key area where the in-house community is…

• 30 Jun 23

Contracting Function

Legal Ops Essentials: 21 Tips to Achieve Plain English Contract Drafting

Legal Ops Essentials: 21 Tips to Achieve Plain English Contract DraftingTraditional legal writing…

• 27 Jun 23


GLS Legal Ops: Legal Department Cost Reduction Tips

GLS Legal Ops: Legal department Cost Reduction TipsAll in-house legal teams are being asked to…

2 min • 27 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Reduce Legal Dept. Costs with Value Creation

If your Board capped your legal team’s budget for next year at US$100,000 dollars and said they…

1 min • 27 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Implement Internal Client SLAs

The shield:Unrealistic client expectationsLate instructionsUrgent versus non-urgent requestsPoor…

1 mins • 26 Jun 23


In-house counsel: Build an effective internal client strategy

Many in-house lawyers appreciate not having to go out into the market to find and maintain…

22 min • 24 Jun 23

Knowledge Solutions

GLS Launches In-House Legal Team Wellbeing Initiative

GLS Group Announces In-House Lawyer Wellbeing SeriesGLS Group is delighted to announce the launch…

2 min • 22 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: 10 tips for a great in-house legal team training program

Legal Ops Tip: Productivity through training In order to pursue constant in-house legal team…

3 • 21 Jun 23


GLS Group Completes GDPR Aligned Contact Clean Up

News Release: GLS Completes GDRP Aligned Contact Clean Up ExerciseOur short GDPR aligned…

1 mins • 21 Jun 23


Legal Ops Tips: Essential Intellectual Property Function Checklists

Intellectual Property ChecklistsIntellectual property assets and associated rights (together…

4 minutes • 21 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Activate Checklists

The best performing teams use checklists extensively, the worst performing teams are too busy to…

1 min • 20 Jun 23

Contracting Function

GLS News - New Contracting Playbook Launched

GLS Group today launched a further expansion to its highly successful contract function…

1 min • 19 Jun 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Masterclass: Architecting an effective Managed Legal Services Program

About This SeminarThis seminar will explore the following themes:Optimising your contracting…

1 min • 15 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Train Constantly

In-house counsel must rapidly develop a broader range of skills to thrive going forward.The…

1 min • 12 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Harness the Power of Standardization

In-house legal teams are so busy that they should never pass up opportunities to standardize…

2 min • 07 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Harness the Power of Legal Process Standardization

Harness the Power of Legal process StandardisationAre you harnessing the power of standardization…

3 mins • 05 Jun 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Legal Transformation Tube Map unveiled

GLS has announced the publication of its innovative GLS Legal Transformation Tube Map tool. The…

• 05 Jun 23


Managed Legal Services: 10 Tips for Success

Managed legal services offer in-house legal teams a way to address low-risk and/or high-volume…

3 min • 23 May 23

News / Press Releases

GLS News - client secures prestigious FT Innovative IHL Nomination

GLS is celebrating the shortlisting of one of its esteemed clients, Abdul Lateef Jameel, in…

• 23 May 23

In-House Wellbeing

GLS Wellbeing - Stretches for Lawyers

3 min • 21 May 23

Contracting Function

GLS News - GLS successfully exits LegalSifter

GLS Investments, a GLS Group Company, has successfully sold its stake in LegalSifter, the…

1 min • 09 May 23


In-House Legal Tip: Write down your Policies

Most people dislike the impact of excessive policies on their lives. However, in the in-house…

1 min • 19 Apr 23


In-House Legal Tip: Evidence Your Contributions

It is simple, if you cannot produce hard data that speaks to the contributions of your in-house…

1min • 11 Apr 23


In-House Legal Tip: 3 Things You Can Do Better

Legal Ops Tip: Transform your team by doing 3 things at a time.Legal team transformation need not…

2 min • 04 Apr 23


Legal Ops Essentials: What KPIs should your legal team implement?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics that help legal teams measure their performance.…

5 min • 03 Apr 23

News / Press Releases

Launch of GLS Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations

About This SeminarThe author, Matthew Glynn, will introduce the Guide in this live event and talk…

• 30 Mar 23


In-House Legal Tip: Understand Legal Technology

If you do not recognize something – chances are you cannot use it or see how it can be used.…

1 min • 27 Mar 23

In-House Wellbeing

GLS Wellbeing - Breathing

3 min • 21 Mar 23


GLS Launches Weekly In-House Performance Tips Series

GLS Launches its Nugget Sized Weekly In-House Wisdom SeriesToday we launched our latest GLS Legal…

1 • 13 Mar 23


Legal Ops Tools: Contracting Playbooks

A “contract Playbook” is a legal function tool that helps a company (well its commercial,…

3 min • 11 Mar 23


In-House Legal Tip: Understand what your Business Values

Many in-house legal team leaders report that their contributions are not always valued by the…

1 min • 06 Mar 23

In-House Wellbeing

GLS Wellbeing - Nutrition Tips

2 min • 21 Feb 23


GLS Legal Ops: 25 Signs Your Legal Team Needs to Transform

Legal Ops Essentials: 25 Signs Transformation Is Required Identifying legal team inefficienciesIn…

3 mins • 16 Feb 23


Launch of the GLS Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations

News Release: The Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations GLS is proud to announce the publication of…

2 min • 15 Feb 23

News / Press Releases

GLS Masterclass: Legal Tech

About This SeminarThis seminar will explore the following themes:Legal Tech: Adopting a more…

1 min • 15 Feb 23


GLS Legal Ops Opinion: In-house legal teams must transform

GLS Legal Ops Opinion: In-house legal teams must transformWhy in-house legal teams must…

4 mins • 08 Feb 23

In-House Wellbeing

GLS Wellbeing - Posture

2 min • 21 Jan 23

4 steps

GLS Legal Operations: The 4 Stages of Legal Dept. Transformation

Stage 1: Assessing the Current State of your in-house legal team: Legal department leaders must…

5 mins • 17 Nov 22

Blueprint 2

GLS Legal Ops: 20 Tips for Blueprinting your Legal Team’s Transformation

Legal Operations Essentials: The Legal Team Transformation Blueprint Successful transformation…

5 mins • 17 Nov 22


In-House Legal Tip: Performance Manage your External Counsel

There are not too many in-house legal teams that talk positively about the value that their…

1 min • 20 Oct 22


In-House Legal Tip: Never Fail

Most corporate ecosystems are littered with the carcasses of failed transformation initiatives.…

3 min • 13 Aug 22


Legal Team Efficiency: a Legal Operations Model that Works

Legal Team Efficiency: a Legal Operations Model that WorksA legal operations capability is a key…

12 mins • 18 Jul 22


What are Legal Operations?

What Are Legal Operations?They support the business’s legal function, taking a…

4 mins • 12 Jul 22


Legal Ops: A Simple Decision-Making Framework to Drive Legal Team Transformation

Legal Ops: Decision-making that drives legal efficiencyIn our recent Blog "What is legal…

9 mins • 23 Jun 22


Legal Ops Tools: The Legal Department Service Charter

What is a Legal Department Service Charter?Does your legal team butt heads with other internal…

3 mins • 15 May 24


Legal Ops Tools: Template Standardisation & Efficiency

Legal Operations Tools: Standardisation & Legal TemplatesHere is our recommended list of…

3 mins • 07 Dec 23


UAE National Day 2023 Discount

To help celebrate UAE National Day 2023 – you can use the below promo code on the GLS Legal Ops…

1 min • 30 Nov 23


In-House Careers: Review Your Performance

In-House Legal Tip: Getting better means actively looking for ways to improve. Taking time to do…

2 minutes • 27 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Try calling your client

Too many in-house lawyers especially those below the age of 50, prefer to email or text their…

2 min • 20 Nov 23


Harvard: Mastering the in-house legal services continuum.

In 2010 I was sent by my then-current law firm to a week-long Harvard Business School Executive…

2 min • 15 Nov 23

Artificial Intelligence Tools for In-House Lawyers

Introduction:Many in-house legal teams are curious about incorporating AI tools into their…

4 min • 14 Nov 23


GLS Legal Opinion: How many hours should the in-house community be working?

So, how many hours should an in-house counsel be working?Do you want the pre-amble leading up to…

3 min • 09 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Plan your in-house legal career

Ask yourself this – how much time did you spend planning your last holiday? Was it an hour or…

3 min • 06 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Knowledge hack your way to in-house excellence

In the course of our in-house roles – we are exposed to a huge variety of “new learning”…

1 min • 01 Nov 23


In-House Legal Tip: Legal service request forms are essential

Your diet must include salt, and every legal team must use legal service request forms…

1 min • 22 Oct 23


Legal Dept. Key Performance Indicators - Why & What?

In this Blog, we'll provide a basic introduction to legal dept KPIs, share some thoughts on…

4 min • 18 Oct 23


In-House Legal Tip: Embrace Legal KPIs

The idea of subjecting yourself to ongoing performance assessments might seem a little daunting.…

1 min • 17 Oct 23


Artificial Intelligence | 10 Concerns & 10 Responses

INTRODUCTIONChristopher Niesche's September 2021 survey of in-house lawyers…

15min • 07 Oct 23


Legal Ops Essentials: What does good legal team leadership look like

Leadership has always been a complicated field and as such it really needs to be hit hard with…

2 min • 30 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: Lead or Languish

The keys to effective legal team leadership are undergoing rapid change in an industry that is…

2 min • 28 Aug 23


Legal Ops Essentials: 10 powerful tools to efficiently upskill junior legal team members

Let’s get straight into it. Here are 10 powerful tools available to in-house legal teams…

2 min • 21 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: Upskill Junior Team Members

A common feature of high-performing in-house legal teams is the presence of exceptionally…

1 min • 21 Aug 23


Legal Ops Essentials: Commit to Constant Contracting Improvement

CONSTANT IMPROVEMENTPareto’s Principle of 80:20 applies to contracting as it does to just about…

1 min • 16 Aug 23


In-House Legal Tip: The Clause Bank - unleash its power

High-performance in-house legal departments utilize “Clause Banks” to drive contracting…

1 min • 27 Jul 23


Legal Ops Essentials: Matter Lifecycle Management 101 Guide

The process by which a support request (or matter) is initiated, managed and resolved is…

2 min • 30 Jun 23


11 Structural Reasons why MLMS projects fail

Matter Lifecycle Management Systems (“MLMS”) is a key area where the in-house community is…

• 30 Jun 23


GLS Legal Ops: Legal Department Cost Reduction Tips

GLS Legal Ops: Legal department Cost Reduction TipsAll in-house legal teams are being asked to…

2 min • 27 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: Reduce Legal Dept. Costs with Value Creation

If your Board capped your legal team’s budget for next year at US$100,000 dollars and said they…

1 min • 27 Jun 23


In-house counsel: Build an effective internal client strategy

Many in-house lawyers appreciate not having to go out into the market to find and maintain…

22 min • 24 Jun 23


In-House Legal Tip: 10 tips for a great in-house legal team training program

Legal Ops Tip: Productivity through training In order to pursue constant in-house legal team…

3 • 21 Jun 23


Legal Ops Tips: Essential Intellectual Property Function Checklists

Intellectual Property ChecklistsIntellectual property assets and associated rights (together…

4 minutes • 21 Jun 23


Managed Legal Services: 10 Tips for Success

Managed legal services offer in-house legal teams a way to address low-risk and/or high-volume…

3 min • 23 May 23


Legal Ops Essentials: What KPIs should your legal team implement?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics that help legal teams measure their performance.…

5 min • 03 Apr 23


In-House Legal Tip: Understand Legal Technology

If you do not recognize something – chances are you cannot use it or see how it can be used.…

1 min • 27 Mar 23


Legal Ops Tools: Contracting Playbooks

A “contract Playbook” is a legal function tool that helps a company (well its commercial,…

3 min • 11 Mar 23


GLS Legal Ops: 25 Signs Your Legal Team Needs to Transform

Legal Ops Essentials: 25 Signs Transformation Is Required Identifying legal team inefficienciesIn…

3 mins • 16 Feb 23


GLS Legal Ops Opinion: In-house legal teams must transform

GLS Legal Ops Opinion: In-house legal teams must transformWhy in-house legal teams must…

4 mins • 08 Feb 23

4 steps

GLS Legal Operations: The 4 Stages of Legal Dept. Transformation

Stage 1: Assessing the Current State of your in-house legal team: Legal department leaders must…

5 mins • 17 Nov 22

Blueprint 2

GLS Legal Ops: 20 Tips for Blueprinting your Legal Team’s Transformation

Legal Operations Essentials: The Legal Team Transformation Blueprint Successful transformation…

5 mins • 17 Nov 22


Legal Team Efficiency: a Legal Operations Model that Works

Legal Team Efficiency: a Legal Operations Model that WorksA legal operations capability is a key…

12 mins • 18 Jul 22


What are Legal Operations?

What Are Legal Operations?They support the business’s legal function, taking a…

4 mins • 12 Jul 22


Legal Ops: A Simple Decision-Making Framework to Drive Legal Team Transformation

Legal Ops: Decision-making that drives legal efficiencyIn our recent Blog "What is legal…

9 mins • 23 Jun 22


Can legal operations benefit all legal teams?

Can legal operations benefit all legal teams?Legal ops is for all legal teamsLegal operations…

4 mins • 22 Jun 22


Legal Ops Tips: Essential GDPR Checklists

Legal Ops Tips: GDPR related checklistsGDPR related compliance can be extremely challenging.…

2 minutes • 20 Jun 22


Legal Ops Essentials: 20 Tips to help you successfully implement your legal team transformation plan

20 Tips for the Successful Implementations of Legal Dept. Transformation PlansIn this Blog, we…

5 mins • 03 Apr 22


Legal Operations Essentials: The Legal Services Request Form

The gatekeeper to an effectively run legal departmentTransforming an in-house legal function…

15 mins • 05 Feb 22


How to avoid legal transformation project failure (Part K - GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

Protect your legal team transformation project from failureIn this Blog, we share some of the…

5 mins • 03 Feb 22

legal document template library Singapore

Legal Ops: Deploying an agile resourcing strategy for legal professionals

The resourcing of legal departments traditionally centered around full-time staff and more…

15 mins • 05 Dec 21


Legal Ops Essentials: Building Your Case For Legal Team Transformation

Building Your Case For Legal Team TransformationToo much work and not enough resourcesEvery GC we…

2 mins • 01 Dec 21


Visualizing an Optimal In-House Legal Function (Part F - GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

Legal Ops Essentials: Navigating an optimally performing legal teamAccess a vision of what you…

5 mins • 23 Nov 21


The In-House Leader’s Leadership Dilemma (Part E - GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

Legal Ops Lesson: Managing Legal Team Transformation RiskThe In-House Leader's Dilemma -…

5 mins • 22 Nov 21


The Benefits of Effective Legal Operations (Part D- GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

The Benefits of Effective Legal OperationsIf you have had prior dealings with GLS, you will have…

12 mins • 22 Nov 21


What is meant by Legal Operations (Part B - GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

This is a sample chapter from the recently published ‘GLS Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations’…

15 mins • 21 Nov 21


Legal Ops Tips: Essential Contract Function Checklists

Legal Ops Tips: Contract function checklistsContract support is one of the most visible (and…

2 minutes • 20 Jun 21


Legal Team Skills: Rid Your Documents Of Typos

Rid Your Documents Of Typos With GLS Proofreading Tips9 mins • 27 Dec 22 Typos cause…

5 mins • 06 Dec 20


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 6 - Legal Tech: Embracing it Safely

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 6 - Legal Tech: Embracing it SafelySpeakers This seminar will draw upon…

45 mins • 30 Jul 20


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 5: The Future Ready Lawyer

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 5: The Future Ready LawyerSpeakers This seminar will draw upon the…

1 hr • 25 Jun 20


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 4: Legal Team Performance -  Data Analytics & Tracking Tangible Outcomes

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 4: Legal Team Performance - Data Analytics & Tracking Tangible…

75 mins • 28 May 20


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 3 - Leveraging Legal Department Resources (A Case Study)

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 3 - Leveraging Legal Department Resources (A Case Study)Speakers This…

80 mins • 23 Apr 20


Legal Ops Tools: The Simple Checklist

A checklist is a potent knowledge technology that is drastically under-utilized by the legal…

5 mins • 02 Apr 20


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 2:  Foundational Legal Department Policies & Prioritization Theory

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 2: Foundational Policy Legal Department Policies & Prioritization…

80 mins • 30 Mar 20

Woman presenting teamwork concept

Contracting Policies: Eliminate weakness in your contracting function

The Contracting Policy is perhaps the simplest and most potent efficiency initiative that any IHL…

15 minutes • 20 Jan 20

Performance management

Performance Managing Your External Legal Counsel

In-house legal teams (IHL) have for years universally agreed that law firms must drastically…

15 minutes • 15 Jan 20


GLS Legal Docs

Think about the quality of cars, air travel, TVs, mobile phones, clothing, medicine - they’ve…

1 min • 12 Sep 19


What A.I. means for the Legal Industry

Well, it is at least true to say that “Legal Tech” is a theme that has been dominating the…

15 mins • 01 Aug 19


GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 1: In-House Legal Team Challenges and a Framework for Legal Ops decision making

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 1: In-House Legal Team Challenges and a Framework for Legal Ops…

1 hr • 17 Jul 19


Top 10 Rules For Developing A World Class Legal Template Library

One of the greatest sources of inefficiencies (and frustration) inside an In House Legal…

10 mins • 09 Jul 19

In-House legal documents and online legal precedents

So you think in-house lawyers are not important?

In-house lawyers (“IHLs”) must verifiably deliver far more with far less, and in an overall…

8 minutes • 13 Jun 19


Top 10 Legal Docs - The Work Horses

Ten foundational legal documents underpin the majority of the vital processes present in most…

15 minutes • 13 Jun 19


Why do I need a Services Agreement?

What is a Services Agreement?The Services Agreement is the “work horse” legal agreement of…

7 minutes • 17 May 19


GLS Quick Quotes

Few would argue that costs are a huge barrier to accessing external legal support. However, those…

7 minutes • 16 May 19


RPLV: Transformative Decision Making

The vocational journey of the in-house lawyer has long since ceased to be an attractive safe…

15 mins • 13 May 19


How to Avoid a High-Tech Train-Wreck

The recent proliferation of legal technology ("Legal Tech") related headlines suggests…

14 mins • 29 Jan 19


GLS Launches GLS Legal Templates

Contracts are the essential record of what parties agree and yet most end up signed, filed and…

12 minutes • 04 Jan 19


GLS Goes Back to School

GLS’s mission, since its inception, has been to disrupt the second half of that statement and…

4 minutes • 13 Dec 18


Traditional Law is Broken (Part 2)

The true cost of the hourly rateGLS believes that more than 95% of businesses globally are unable…

12 minutes • 20 Jul 17


Un-breaking the law

The hourly rate is no longer an effective meeting point for those that need legal support and…

2 minutes • 06 Apr 17


Traditional Law is Broken (Part 1)

The traditional law firm model (“TradLaw”) as we know it is broken; but fortunately, a new…

5 minutes • 14 Jul 16


What makes GLS Law so accessible

GLS Law will only offer support where we know that we can do so in a way that represents a…

4 minutes • 29 Apr 15


Traditional Law: Why has law run off the track?

For those who are wondering what has happened to the traditional legal industry, please take a…

1 minute • 31 Dec 14

Technology Demonstration

CLMS Nightmares: Why CLMS Fails & What You Can Do About It

1. Introduction“CLMS” stands for Contract Lifecycle Management System. It supports the…

5min • 20 Feb 24

Technology Demonstration

CLMS Implementation Challenges – The Rule, not the Exception

Contracts serve as the bedrock of business transactions. In recent years, organizations—both…

3min • 15 Feb 24

Technology Demonstration

Legal Ops Tools: Template Standardisation & Efficiency

Legal Operations Tools: Standardisation & Legal TemplatesHere is our recommended list of…

3 mins • 07 Dec 23

Technology Demonstration

Artificial Intelligence Tools for In-House Lawyers

Introduction:Many in-house legal teams are curious about incorporating AI tools into their…

4 min • 14 Nov 23

Technology Demonstration

Artificial Intelligence | 10 Concerns & 10 Responses

INTRODUCTIONChristopher Niesche's September 2021 survey of in-house lawyers…

15min • 07 Oct 23

Technology Demonstration

In-House Legal Tip: Low Tech First - Always!

The legal industry is undergoing a major transformation with the rise of Legal Tech. This…

1 min • 25 Sep 23

Technology Demonstration


IMPORTANT PUBLIC SAFETY NOTICE:GLS has recently become aware of the existence of a potentially…

• 05 Jul 23

Technology Demonstration

11 Structural Reasons why MLMS projects fail

Matter Lifecycle Management Systems (“MLMS”) is a key area where the in-house community is…

• 30 Jun 23

Technology Demonstration

GLS News - GLS successfully exits LegalSifter

GLS Investments, a GLS Group Company, has successfully sold its stake in LegalSifter, the…

1 min • 09 May 23

Technology Demonstration

In-House Legal Tip: Understand Legal Technology

If you do not recognize something – chances are you cannot use it or see how it can be used.…

1 min • 27 Mar 23

Technology Demonstration

Visualizing an Optimal In-House Legal Function (Part F - GLS’s Ultimate Guide to Legal Operations)

Legal Ops Essentials: Navigating an optimally performing legal teamAccess a vision of what you…

5 mins • 23 Nov 21

Technology Demonstration

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 6 - Legal Tech: Embracing it Safely

GLS Legal Ops Masterclass 6 - Legal Tech: Embracing it SafelySpeakers This seminar will draw upon…

45 mins • 30 Jul 20

Technology Demonstration

Legal Ops Tools: The Simple Checklist

A checklist is a potent knowledge technology that is drastically under-utilized by the legal…

5 mins • 02 Apr 20

Technology Demonstration

What A.I. means for the Legal Industry

Well, it is at least true to say that “Legal Tech” is a theme that has been dominating the…

15 mins • 01 Aug 19

Technology Demonstration

How to Avoid a High-Tech Train-Wreck

The recent proliferation of legal technology ("Legal Tech") related headlines suggests…

14 mins • 29 Jan 19

Technology Demonstration

GLS Launches GLS Legal Templates

Contracts are the essential record of what parties agree and yet most end up signed, filed and…

12 minutes • 04 Jan 19

Technology Demonstration

GLS Invests in Automio

GLS Group, the world’s leading legal industry disruptor, focuses on disrupting the traditional…

5 minutes • 29 Dec 18

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Get Your Legal Department Operating Authority

What Is A Legal Department Operating Authority?The Legal Department Operating Authority…

1 min • 05 Jun 24

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Careers: Find Your Mentor

To excel in-house you need a mentor. Do you have one?Unlocking your full potential as an in-house…

2 minutes • 11 Dec 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Careers: Are you replaceable as an in-house lawyer?

In-house lawyers are operating in a period of intensive change – technology, working practices,…

2 minutes • 07 Dec 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Take Time Off

Burnout doesn't make you a better lawyer. It just makes you broken.As we approach what is…

2 minutes • 04 Dec 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Careers: Review Your Performance

In-House Legal Tip: Getting better means actively looking for ways to improve. Taking time to do…

2 minutes • 27 Nov 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Problem Solve Always

A valuable North Star against which you can reliably navigate your in-house career is being a…

2 minutes • 23 Nov 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Try calling your client

Too many in-house lawyers especially those below the age of 50, prefer to email or text their…

2 min • 20 Nov 23

Legal Ops Tips

Harvard: Mastering the in-house legal services continuum.

In 2010 I was sent by my then-current law firm to a week-long Harvard Business School Executive…

2 min • 15 Nov 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Legal service request forms are essential

Your diet must include salt, and every legal team must use legal service request forms…

1 min • 22 Oct 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Embrace Legal KPIs

The idea of subjecting yourself to ongoing performance assessments might seem a little daunting.…

1 min • 17 Oct 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: More Means Less

Achieving more with less presents a significant challenge to the in-house community. So, how can…

1 min • 09 Oct 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: 12 Legal Dept. Knowledge Hacks

Explore these 12 crucial knowledge hacks to supercharge your legal department's efficiency…

2 min • 02 Oct 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Low Tech First - Always!

The legal industry is undergoing a major transformation with the rise of Legal Tech. This…

1 min • 25 Sep 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Lead or Languish

The keys to effective legal team leadership are undergoing rapid change in an industry that is…

2 min • 28 Aug 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Upskill Junior Team Members

A common feature of high-performing in-house legal teams is the presence of exceptionally…

1 min • 21 Aug 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Balanced Legal Risk

Best practice contracting recognises that a “balanced” approach to risk allocation drives…

1 min • 14 Aug 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: The Clause Bank - unleash its power

High-performance in-house legal departments utilize “Clause Banks” to drive contracting…

1 min • 27 Jul 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Reduce White Noise

Having audited the working days of hundreds of in-house legal teams, GLS is of the view that most…

• 27 Jul 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Get Outcomes, not Headcount

Given the dynamic needs of the modern in-house legal team, (e.g. those dealing with new laws,…

1 min • 12 Jul 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Only Implement a CLMS when Ready!

Document and optimize your contract lifecycle management procedures first and then find a CLMS…

1 min • 03 Jul 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Reduce Legal Dept. Costs with Value Creation

If your Board capped your legal team’s budget for next year at US$100,000 dollars and said they…

1 min • 27 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Implement Internal Client SLAs

The shield:Unrealistic client expectationsLate instructionsUrgent versus non-urgent requestsPoor…

1 mins • 26 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Activate Checklists

The best performing teams use checklists extensively, the worst performing teams are too busy to…

1 min • 20 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Train Constantly

In-house counsel must rapidly develop a broader range of skills to thrive going forward.The…

1 min • 12 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Harness the Power of Standardization

In-house legal teams are so busy that they should never pass up opportunities to standardize…

2 min • 07 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Harness the Power of Legal Process Standardization

Harness the Power of Legal process StandardisationAre you harnessing the power of standardization…

3 mins • 05 Jun 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Write down your Policies

Most people dislike the impact of excessive policies on their lives. However, in the in-house…

1 min • 19 Apr 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Evidence Your Contributions

It is simple, if you cannot produce hard data that speaks to the contributions of your in-house…

1min • 11 Apr 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: 3 Things You Can Do Better

Legal Ops Tip: Transform your team by doing 3 things at a time.Legal team transformation need not…

2 min • 04 Apr 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Understand Legal Technology

If you do not recognize something – chances are you cannot use it or see how it can be used.…

1 min • 27 Mar 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Understand what your Business Values

Many in-house legal team leaders report that their contributions are not always valued by the…

1 min • 06 Mar 23

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Performance Manage your External Counsel

There are not too many in-house legal teams that talk positively about the value that their…

1 min • 20 Oct 22

Legal Ops Tips

In-House Legal Tip: Never Fail

Most corporate ecosystems are littered with the carcasses of failed transformation initiatives.…

3 min • 13 Aug 22

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