

Legal Technology

Artificial Intelligence Tools for In-House Lawyers

4 min • 14 Nov 23


Many in-house legal teams are curious about incorporating AI tools into their day-to-day operations. Others are being instructed by their businesses that they need to start using AI whether they want to or not!

Either way, if you have decided to dip your toes into the churning waters of “AI powered legal support tools” it might be helpful to know what tools are actually available. 

So set out below is a list of the AI tools currently available to in-house legal teams that are looking to improve efficiency, reduce manual work, and/or enhance their decision-making processes. 

As a cautionary note, GLS is not endorsing any of these (unless specifically noted). This list is simply an alphabetic list of available AI  tools – it is up to you to conduct your own due diligence on each tool and decide whether it is suitable for your needs. 


Currently Available AI Tools:

GLS Recommended: LegalSifter is incredible for i) AI powered contract reviews, and ii) quickly collating key info and meta-data from your contract portfolio, making the hardest part of implementing a CLMS almost effortless. They also supply CLM software at no additional cost. 

Check out this incredible array of AI tools for in-house legal teams: 

  • AgiloftProvides contract lifecycle management and business process management software.

  • AlexiProvides research memos on legal topics, identifying relevant legal issues and potential arguments.

  • Anaqua: Provides management for Intellectual Property.

  • Ansaranda: Conducts AI-powered due diligence for M&A deals.

  • Bill4Time: Provides time tracking, online invoicing, and payments, matters management, trust, IOLTA accounting, document management and conflicts of interest check.

  • Casetext: Offers AI-powered legal research and document analysis tools to aid in-house legal research and document drafting.

  • CaseFleetProvides case management software to build cases with tools for reviewing evidence, organizing facts, and identifying trends.

  • CaseMap: Provides fact management and case analysis solution, available in the cloud. Belongs to LexisNexis.

  • CARET Legal: Helps track and manage all aspects of a case, collaborate with colleagues and clients, view activity logs and effectively manage a caseload.

  • Clarivate Analytics: A division of Thomson Reuters responsible for intellectual property management.

  • Clio: Provides legal timekeeping software to capture time and track expenses.

  • ComplyAdvantage: Provides software to help detect and manage risks associated with AML and fraud.

  • ContractPodAiProvides legal “AI assistant” services and contract lifecycle management.

  • Della: An AI-powered contract management platform that streamlines the contract review and approval process.

  • DISCO Cecilia: An ediscovery AI chatbot that provides evidence-based answers (and citations) to questions about cases.

  • DocJuris: AI powered contract review software.

  • DoNotPayProvides a "robot lawyer" service that claims to make use of artificial intelligence to contest parking tickets and provide various other legal services.

  • eBreviaProvides contract analysis, due diligence, LIBOR remediation and lease extraction within a contract and document analytics platform.

  • EverlawAllows legal teams to discover, and act on information to better drive internal investigations and positively impact the outcome of litigation.

  • Evisort: Uses AI to extract and organize data from contracts, facilitating contract management and compliance.

  • HotDocs: Helps reduce risk & save time by aiding in the creation, generation, assembly & preparation of complex documents.

  • JosefEnables in-house legal team to create a chat bot to answer FAQs from your business units / internal clients.

  • IroncladProvides contract management for all contract types – legal, sales, finance, HR, marketing, procurement, and more.

  • Icertis: Provides contract management software to enterprise businesses using a software-as-a-service model. Partners with SAP.

  • Kira: AI for i) Contract Drafting, and ii) conduct M&A due diligence, and iii) to prepare due diligence reports. 

  • SuperLegal: Automates the contract review process and provides insights into potential contract risks and issues.

  • Lexis+ Brief Analysis: streamlines the drafting of legal briefs and context-based research npted. This tool is based on the massive Lexis+ case law library.

  • LexMachina: Provides legal analytics and insights for intellectual property litigation, helping in-house counsels make data-driven decisions.

  • LinkSquares: Features AI-powered contract management and analytics tool for in-house legal and finance teams.

  • Neota Logic: Allows for creating custom legal applications and workflows to automate routine legal tasks and processes.

  • Picture It Settled: Helps lawyers improve their results by modelling the anticipated reactions their behavior will elicit from their opponent.

  • Power Bi: Provides interactive data visualization software with a primary focus on business intelligence. Could be used to pitch any legal related topics to clients in simplified easy digestible form. Belongs to Microsoft.

  • PremonitionAnalyse historical data, to determine the likelihood of success as well as the best legal strategies to employ for a particular case.

  • Relativity Trace: A tool for e-discovery and investigations, helping in-house legal teams identify and analyze potential compliance issues.

  • ROSS Intelligence: A legal research tool that uses natural language processing to provide relevant case law and legal information. 14-day free trial available.

  • ThoughtRiver: Assists in-house legal teams in contract review by automating the analysis and comparison of legal agreements. Has an office in Singapore.

  • OpenAI FAQ Bot: OpenAI offers free API access so that you can build an AI chatbot to automate responses to FAQ.

  • Fireflies AI: Transcribes and summarizes your meetings. 

  • Google Alerts: Set up custom alerts to monitor news and web content relevant to your legal work.

  • HighQ: Provides a collaboration tool for legal professionals in an integrated digital workspace to automate document & contract management, workflows, and productivity.

  • Nuix:  Provides investigative analytics and intelligence software for extracting knowledge from unstructured data.

  • Microsoft Teams: You can use the transcription tool to create a live transcription of the proceedings. 

  • Offers free transcription services, which can be handy for documenting meetings and interviews.

  • Replika: An AI chatbot designed for conversation and companionship that can be used for general communication and brainstorming.

  • Spellbook: AI for contract drafting. Integrates into Microsoft Word.

  • Solomonic: Predicts litigation outcomes and market trends.

  • Tableau: Provides analytical processing of databases and spreadsheets to generate graph-type data visualizations.

  • Trello: A project management tool with AI-backed automation capabilities, providing free boards for basic task management.

  • Westlaw Edge:  Provides online legal research service that uses comprehensive content and exclusive editorial enhancements. Belongs to Thomson Reuters.

  • Wordtune: A writing enhancement tool that offers a limited free version to improve the clarity and effectiveness of your written communications.

  • Zapier: While not AI itself, it connects various apps and can automate simple workflows for free, saving time on repetitive tasks.

GLS Recommended: BrightFlag uses AI to review and process invoices from external legal counsel. Every character of every invoice you receive is reviewed in record time. This enables you to start asking much more strategic and impactful questions from your external counsel, such as: 

  • Which vendors aren’t honouring our billing guidelines? 
  • How much of our litigation spend goes to discovery?
  • What is the most cost-efficient way to resource IP matters?
  • When does it look like we’ll hit our annual budget number?
  • etc 


Ready To Transform Your Legal Team?

Please check out the GLS solutions and know-how resources listed on the right side of this page – they might assist your legal team with the issues explored in this Blog. 

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