The GLS Legal Operations Centre
The Ultimate In-House Legal Department Resource Stack
Everything your in-house team needs
You must achieve more with less
1Chronic capacity stretch
2Inefficient processes
3Growing workloads
4Poor value recognition
5Limited legal budget
6Demanding internal client
7Inadequate team resources
8Suboptimal team morale

The GLS Legal Operations Centre
GLS Group provides in-house legal teams instant access to a comprehensive online legal department resource stack, allowing all in-house teams to access whatever they need, whenever needed, but without the upfront ownership and ongoing maintenance costs.
1Team Capacity Solutions
2Legal Team Tools
3Team Management Solutions
4Legal Ops Tools & Support
5Legal Tech Support
6Contract Function Support
7Templates & Documentation
8Service Provider Management
9Knowledge & Training Solutions
10Compliance Solutions
A Video Introduction
Learn more about why we created the ultimate in-house legal department resource stack.
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Current Best Sellers
GLS Legal Dept. Efficiency Audit™ (DIY)
Self assess the efficiency of your legal department
GLS Legal Dept. Transformation Consulting™
Legal department transformation consultancy support
GLS Essential In-House Legal Practice Skills - Training™ (Premium)
10 essential skills to thrive as an in-house lawyer
GLS Legal Proofreading™
Per page document proofreading
GLS Legal Manpower™
Strategically agile legal personnel
Guidelines for External Legal Counsel™
Performance Manage Your External Counsel
GLS Contract Negotiation Playbook™ (GLS Best Practice Version)
A GLS best practice contract negotiation playbook
GLS Overflow Legal Support™
24/7/365 on-demand legal support
GLS Data Protection - 101 Training™ (Standard)
Data protection fundamentals for your workplace
GLS Contracting Policy™
A single, organization wide contracting parameters policy
JOIN OUR Knowledge Centre
Improving in-house team performance & career outcomes
Join the largest legal operations community outside of North America.
Supporting leading companies worldwide.
Awards & Accolades

Outstanding Legal Innovator: Solutions Provider 2024

The Middle East Legal Awards 2021

Most Innovative Legal Services Provider 2020
Frequently Asked Questions
The GLS Legal Operations Centre (“LOC”) is the world’s most comprehensive in-house legal department resource stack that helps in-house legal teams boost productivity and performance, whilst reducing costs.
Each of the 800+ productivity tools and managed solutions delivers emphatic problem-solving outcomes for critical in-house activities/functions, and has been designed to enhance continuous legal team performance transformation.
You can think of the LOC as the “Amazon platform” specifically for the in-house legal community where you can instantly gain access to the resources, strategy and manpower solutions your legal team needs to thrive.
Your in-house team must achieve more with less – and the only way to do that is by using what you have got “time, budget and skills” more productivity. The LOC helps you make this happen by giving you access to an impressive array of force multiplying in-house legal team resources.
Your legal team can now simply “plug in” to the LOC to gain instant access to an unprecedented array of disruptively priced resources designed specifically for the in-house community.
There is no need for you to source, pay, implement and maintain any of these resources – we have done that for you – allowing you to simply access whatever you need from a full spectrum of resources specifically designed to support the optimal performance of your legal team.
Need a [lawyer, precedent, checklist, policy, AI contract review, cost reduction strategy, proof reading solution, contract automation, training program, etc] – the LOC has got you covered.
The LOC helps you reduce legal team spend, improve legal team efficiency and adjust legal team focus to more strategically important matters.
Anyone anywhere now has access to the resources that historically only the most well-resourced legal teams could dream of accessing – and without having to pay to secure, maintain and operate them.
Accessing the LOC does not currently require any “paid membership” – all legal teams globally are free to access our resource stack and simply pay for what they consume.
Simply register on the LOC for free and enjoy two easy ways to access the support resources you need to support your legal team as follows:
One-at-a-time: No commitments – just disruptive pricing on templates, checklists, audit tools, and everything else you need. Register for free to unlock USD20,000+ worth of free trial resources.
GLS Total Legal Support™: Give your in-house team everything it needs whenever it needs it. Make our resource stack your platform with a pre-paid account that delivers extensive additional cost-saving benefits.
You can learn more about GLS Total Legal Support™ right here.
The LOC is an essential support resource for anyone whose job it is to meet the legal support requirements of a business with finite legal function resources. Specific use cases include:
- In-house lawyers lacking the resources they need to operate most effectively
- Busy in-house legal teams that want to boost their productivity
- Businesses looking to enhance the capabilities of their legal teams
- 1-person "legal teams" that need to leverage their expertise and capacity
- Large legal teams looking to introduce standardized and effective practices
Legal teams looking for world-class resources at more affordable prices
Absolutely. You can simply register on the LOC for free right here and you will instantly get access to a wide range of “solutions” for you to try – that are of real value – indeed more than USD20K if you sourced them from a law firm, excluding the millions spent on the underlying tech.
As a lawyer, you will appreciate that legal team resources are not like “Spotify” – so we cannot give you a free trial of every one of our solutions for a month to see if you want to buy. But we can give you access to our precedents, legal ops tools, training resources … and much more.
You can book a free appointment right here or simply register for free on the LOC, and we will send you a detailed Welcome Pack and a series of automated emails that effectively introduces how the LOC can help your in-house legal team to achieve more with less.
As you know, some requirements are unique to your life and your business, and require your dedicated attention. We believe that this is where you need to focus your team’s energy and resources.
But many legal support scenarios that in-house legal teams face are common to most businesses. It is on these “common” support scenarios where we have focused our attention and developed effective support solutions.
GLS optimises through standardisation, enabled through legal tech, to reflect superior business process engineering.
The end result is a truly world-class solution that is easy to implement and customise as required for your unique case use. All for a fraction of the time and cost that it would take you to produce and/or source the solution yourselves.
“Team” is the operative word here. Our mandate it to improve in-house legal “team” performance. So, anytime one member of your team accesses a solution – it is available to all team members. Is that happening right now in your legal team?
Many of our clients welcome the fact that the GLS Legal Operations Centre becomes the centralized repository of legal teams resources that they do not currently have. We can set your team up with a “Corporate Account” that allows you all to operate from a single account.
Firstly, there simply isn’t any other provider out there that we have encountered that focuses solely on the in-house legal community. But let’s run through it.
Some of the larger more recognised knowledge providers (you know who they are) rely on crowd-sourced contributions – resulting in knowledge resources that are not standardised, harmonised and integrated. It’s a mismatch of knowledge with different analytical approaches and usefulness.
And, some of the knowledge resources are limited to case law notes, checklists and templates. A tiny fraction of the resources that an in-house team needs.
More importantly – most knowledge resources are contributed by law firms. Law firms view the world differently from in-house legal teams – and are rarely as practical and commercial as is needed.
And then there are law firms – their business model is not based on in-house legal teams becoming more independent.
The resources we have available massively outstrip what in-house corporate counsel associations have available for their members.
So there you have it – GLS focuses solely on the needs of the in-house legal community. No one else does quite like we do.
GLS focuses on helping in-house legal teams achieve maximum productivity & performance outcomes whilst reducing human and financial resource consumption. In short, we help you get more done yourself.
So, we offer cost effective access to world class tools that help you deliver better in-house performance. We suspect that we do not need to unpack how this differs from your average law firm.
We should flag that we do have a licensed law firm within the Group, if you ever needed it, but GLS Solutions Pte Ltd itself is not a law firm and does not offer legal advice. Our sole focus is all about the tools & solutions that in-house teams need.