Focus on kids
3 minutes • 13 May 15

Children are our future
Without strong, healthy and educated children our sustained future is questionable. Yes there are those children that have all they need, but there are many, many more that have nothing at all. It is the joy in being in a position to be able to make a difference to a young life and to see how that difference can translate into an opportunity (or something else special) that drives us.
Everyone deserves the best start possible – how can we possibly expect the next generation to be the best they can be, to be the next generation of doctors, scientists, even lawyers, if the very foundation upon which to grow is lacking. Without a decent start, their chances of success are greatly reduced and if we can somehow make a small difference even to just one child we will have achieved what we set out to do.
We considered whether or not to sponsor a chair at a university to assist in further studies and various other options but believe offering support at the 'grassroots' level is where we believe we can make the most happen.
Many of our team are parents themselves and see how their children flourish in the right environment. Why should an orphaned or underprivileged child be refused this simply because of the circumstances that they were born into and through no fault or no choice of their own?
We want to offer help and support to the most vulnerable and underprivileged children - whether it is providing an environment and tools to help them learn, donating funds to support the provision of medical needs or whether it is simply being there to provide a voice and a network to support them.
We feel rightly obligated to give back to the world from which we have benefitted. We are truly grateful for the privileges and opportunities that we had growing up (e.g. access to medicine, shelter, education, and a safe and loving environment in which to develop) and want to do our best to help allow as many children as possible to experience the same.
We must “start at the very beginning, a very good place to start” (“Mary Poppins”). If we don’t start with babies, what hope do they have growing up without the tools they need to equip them for life in general?
We hope that by donating 10% of our global profits to projects across the world that focus on making a difference to the lives of the most vulnerable children, we too are contributing. This support and opportunity will hopefully give them what they need to unlock their full potential.
If you too want to be involved in any of our projects just let us know... you would be most welcome to join us.